Any marketing strategy I've ever been part of, they all fall into one of three categories: plan, cram or pray! Planned strategies are for the person who always had their homework done 1 week before it's due. Crammed strategies are for the daring and sometimes reckless. Wait until the last moment, pull an all-nighter, don't yawn through the pitch meeting and get to bed as soon as possible!. And lastly, pray. Pray that being super sorry that you didn't plan a strategy or cram because you just had to watch American Idol, that your prayers will be heard by the great marketing powers. And no one will notice the obvious shortcomings of your efforts.
I have Catholic Tourette Syndrome. I spontaneously confess my sins of every nature without the slightest arm twisting. (You should see me on a first date! If it lasts longer than 30 minutes I call that a whopper of a success and start picking out china patterns!) (Of course, I confess this to my date as well.) As we get to know one another, know that any S.C. (spontaneous confession) will be coded with S.C. so you are aware it came from my Catholic up-bringing. (My confirmation name is Monica.) (I chose it because M. Costello thought it was ok. S.C.)
Let’s get started. Not a moment to loose!!! I am on a mission of thrift in both my personal life as well as professional life. I’ve always been thrifty (a.k.a. cheap) but these days it’s even worse. Do I really have to wash rinse and repeat with shampoo? Isn’t that an indulgence I can’t afford any more?
I’ve started my own Marketing company based on over 15 years of thrift and results. If you are one of those marketers with unlimited budgets then these tips may not seem relevant to you. (Like how I tune out as soon as my mother starts any conversation with , “This is so easy to bake. All you have to do is …” I’m out! S.C.) (Because it’s always so much easier to buy J ) But if you adopt the Walker e3 Strategy for your marketing programs, you will feel so much more confident if you are ever called upon to justify your programs and results.
From over 15 years of marketing experience, I’ve been part of some great marketing programs that delivered the goods as promised. And I’ve also been part of some marketing efforts that were a total waste of time and money. Over the years, I’ve learned better ways to say “This is a total waste of time and money” which I’ll share with you in the coming months. (If you have an emergency need for better ways to say “It,” e-mail me!!) How do you know if your marketing strategy is on the right track? Simple. Ask yourself these three qualifying questions.
1) Is your marketing strategy Effective?
2) Is your marketing strategy Efficient?
3) Is your marketing strategy Economical?
Hmmm … interesting. Stop back in soon. Got some great cautionary stories to share regarding “Effective” so you won’t make the same mistakes I have.